Thank You, Christian Colleges, For Making This Jewish Student Feel Safe and Welcome

On other college campuses, where a non-Palestinian can wear a keffiyeh but I must hide my magen david necklace to walk safely between classes, I could not foster peace even though I want to.


I can, however, express my utmost gratitude to those who have blessed and kept me.

As other colleges’ alumni tore down pictures of hostages, spreading hate disguised as justice, Hillsdale and Pepperdine alumni texted, called and sent letters with one message: We love you.

College friends who had not heard from me in months offered to shelter my family if we faced local evil.

To my Christian college classmates: Thank you, and I love you too.

Ed Morrissey

It's a lengthy essay, and well worth reading in its entirety. I am very happy to hear that Christians have stepped up to embrace Jewish students and faculty; the same is true at nearby Baylor, where I had a chance to talk a bit with a Jewish student on that Baptist-centered campus. Catholic schools like Franciscan University at Steubenville and the University of Mary facilitated transfers for any Jewish students that felt threatened on campus at other schools, too.

There is much that is good about our culture. We need to marginalize the moral cretins rather than allowing them to marginalize the rest of us. 

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