Nikki Haley Gives Away the Store

“Having said that,” Haley added following her statement in favor of Trump’s restoration to the presidency, “I stand by what I said in my suspension speech. Trump would be smart to reach out to the millions of people who voted for me and continue to support me and not assume that they’re just going to be with him.”


The obvious rejoinder to Haley’s unrequited outreach is, why should he? What is Donald Trump’s incentive to “reach out” to Haley’s supporters when she just gave away whatever leverage she still retained from the primaries? 

Ed Morrissey

Er ... what leverage? Haley had become irrelevant in March, if not before, to the direction of the GOP. Republican voters overwhelmingly chose Trump even when having Haley and Ron DeSantis as an option. DeSantis chose to recognize this early and get back to being governor in Florida to wait for his next opportunity. Haley chose to keep fighting, and ended up as a non-factor.

I understand that Noah wants to push the GOP back towards conservatism and away from populism, but that's not what the voters want. Haley is just recognizing now that that debate is over (for this cycle) and that a completely different choice is at hand. 

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