NEW: Media Matters Lays Off Staffers After Musk Sues

Media Matters for America laid off many of its staffers on Thursday as former employees took to X to announce they were out of a job. ...

Media Matters President Angelo Carusone hit back at Musk’s threat of a suit at the time, saying, “Elon Musk has spent the last few days making meritless legal threats, elevating bizarre conspiracy theories, and lobbing vicious personal attacks against his ‘enemies’ online. Even if he does not follow through with his threat to sue, the volatility of actions reinforce why major brands are rightly skittish of partnering with X.”

Carusone also released a statement regarding the layoffs, saying, “We’re confronting a legal assault on multiple fronts and given how rapidly the media landscape is shifting, we need to be extremely intentional about how we allocate resources in order to stay effective. Nobody does what Media Matters does. So, we’re taking this action now to ensure that we are sustainable, sturdy and successful for whatever lies ahead.”

Ed Morrissey

The Daily Caller also points out that MMFA faces investigations in Missouri and Texas over attempts to manipulate data on Twitter/X, which prompted the suit by Musk. 

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