Hamas Has Exposed a Sickness in Western Society

My reaction, and I imagine it was a common one, was similar to that of Nadav Pollak, the former Washington Institute fellow, who posted: “People see a video of terrified bloody young Israeli women next to Hamas terrorists that just butchered their friends and threw the bodies next to their feet to scare them even more, and their focus is arguing on a translation of one word. Seriously the world is f***ed.”


Indeed, there is something very dark bubbling up to the surface of society these days. The people who latched on to semantics in the video translation look absolutely insane. Not strange, not silly, not eccentric, not unpleasant. Actually insane. The fact that some of these people teach in universities is a dirty trick committed against humanity itself. ...

At some point, we in the West are going to have to grapple seriously with the fact that, yes, the protesters and their faculty supporters are pro-Hamas, just as they say they are.

Ed Morrissey

Indeed. And the moral idiots on college campuses wearing keffiyehs and bowing toward Mecca aren't even hiding it any longer. They are pro-Hamas, anti-Semitic, and absolute moral cretins. 

Adam Baldwin and I talk about cultural sickness in the West in Monday's Amiable Skeptics episode. 

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