FBI: Lethal-Force Prep Is Standard on All Search Warrants -- Including Biden Search


"... No one ordered additional steps to be taken and there was no departure from the norm in this matter.  The standard deadly force policy statement included in the operations order for the search of the former president’s residence was also included in the operations order for the search of the sitting president’s residence in Delaware, as is standard practice for all FBI operations orders.”

Ed Morrissey

I'd held off on commenting about this because I suspected this might be the case. A lot of what the DoJ puts in writing is boilerplate, which makes their actions more consistent and defensible in court. After reading through a few dozen indictments and warrants, one's eyes can bleed from all the repetition.

No one pulled a gun at Mar-a-Lago, nor in Wilmington. But that doesn't mean the DoJ is off the hook for what happened to Mark Houck, where the show of force was both absurd and dangerous -- not just the language in the warrant. 

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