Why the West Mourns the ‘Butcher Of Tehran’

The president of Iran, an evil human being nicknamed the Butcher of Tehran, died in a helicopter accident on Sunday. One of the worst people on earth, he presided as a member of the Iranian pseudo-judiciary over the deaths of thousands of innocent people.


He presided over the crushing of all dissent from women and people who do not believe in Sharia law in Iran. He presided over the deaths of thousands of American troops and attacks on American allies. His proxy groups around the region have been involved in the deaths of thousands of human beings, including, of course, the 1,200 Israelis murdered on October 7 with the tacit permission and support of Iran via Hamas.

Then, on Monday, after he died in this helicopter accident, the immediate reception of the West was to lament his death. This was unprecedented in modern history.

Ed Morrissey

As I said to Chris Stigall this morning on his radio show, what's next? Condolences for Charles Manson? Raisi was definitionally a mass murderer and a serial killer, and basically was the Iranian version of the Nazi's Roland Freisler before becoming the Ayatollah's chief political mouthpiece. Offering condolences for such a monster says nothing about his evil, but speaks volumes about the West's cowardice in standing up to it. 

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