'Unparalleled Act of Cowardice': Dickinson College Cancels Michael Smerconish

In another victory for the mobocracy, Dickinson College canceled the commencement address of CNN host Michael Smerconish after liberal and pro-Palestinian students objected. The school decided to forego any speaker rather than risk the ire of radical students and groups. The greatest loss was not to Smerconish but to the college and the students. These graduates could have heard from one of the brightest legal minds in media and a person who has been an powerful and unflagging champion of free speech.


The decision was an unparalleled act of cowardice by President John Jones, who cited “overwhelming opposition” to Smerconish in a recent statement.

Somehow Jones viewed yielding to the mob to be a virtuous act and announced  that “with the support of our Board of Trustees, I have decided to rescind the honorary degree and invitation to speak at Commencement.”

Ed Morrissey

I have ceased being surprised about the caving to mobs by the educators and administrators that radicalized them in the first place. Instead, I continue to suggest that federal funds get cut off entirely to higher-education institutions. They have no interest in forming young men and women into informed and capable citizens, so why should we subsidize their indoctrination any further?

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