The Carbon The Left Wants to Reduce: You

They want there to be fewer people, and let’s understand something, they’re not talking about themselves. If they were, they’d follow their words up with deeds. They’d remove themselves from the population so as to not strain the planet.


They’d try to do their part to make the planet happy.

But they’re not. They’re not because their carbon is fine. It’s yours and mine that is the problem. Never mind the arguments to the contrary, we just need fewer people. ...

Honestly, my own thoughts on this is that depopulation in the name of a cleaner environment is just the excuse. What they want is a way to look compassionate while exterminating their enemies.

Ed Morrissey

That's it exactly. They want all of the benefits of industrialization, only without all of the icky proletarians that make it possible and the kulaks that produce the food. Perhaps we should pursue space travel just so we can ship all of these moral idiots to a pristine planet and let them figure out how to survive on their own. Think Lord of the Flies on steroids. 

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