Prosecution Offers Michael Cohen $130,000 Hush Money to Stop Talking

Cohen admitted in court this week he stole $60,000 from Trump when he was serving as the presidential candidate's attorney. Legal analysts say the admission further lampoons the prosecution's very well-thought-out case against Trump and makes them look a little like "low-IQ donkeys".


"We're going to pay Micheal some money if he'll promise to just go away and stop all the blah blah blah for a bit," Hoffinger said. "When we do it, it's to protect democracy."

Ed Morrissey

For Cohen to accept it, they'll have to "gross it up," toss in another $60,000, and then give Cohen a bunch of small paper bags to carry it out.

Yeah, I'm not actually kidding about that. Watch the dramatic read of Cohen's testimony on Monday here

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