NEW: Haley Endorses Trump, Blasts Biden on Foreign Policy

Nikki Haley, the former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and a leading rival to former President Donald Trump in the GOP presidential primary, announced on Wednesday that she plans to vote for Trump in the November election following a speech in which she blasted the Biden administration’s handling of foreign policy. ...


She called Trump “not perfect” on national security but said Biden has been “a catastrophe.”

Haley focused much of her speech on the Biden administration’s treatment of Israel, condemning Biden for halting some arms transfers to the Jewish state.

“Those weapons are important for defeating Hamas,” Haley said. “Withholding them validates the totally false and destructive narrative that Israel is acting unjustly by defending herself.”

Ed Morrissey

I suspect that a number of near-Never Trump voters will swallow hard and vote to kick Biden out of the White House. And one has to wonder whether this may be the entrée to a Trump-Haley ticket. 

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