Ireland Is a Cesspool of Antisemitism

So: Hamas butchers and rapes a bunch of innocent people, diligently documents it all on livestream video, and now the world is supposed to hand them a state? Please take that idea and stuff it up your bottom with a broom handle till your tonsils ache.


It’s official: Antisemitism is mainstream, and nobody cares because none of these guys are wearing MAGA hats.

The left and the right both have a big antisemitism problem. They’ve both got a bunch of weirdos who hate Jews and are always finding reasons to blame them for everything. The difference is that the right shuns and belittles their loathsome antisemites, while the left sends theirs out in a suit and tie to address the entire world.

Ed Morrissey

Treacher draws the proper comparison to the "dumb hillbillies" of the Charlottesville demonstration, and notes that no one has heard from any of those "idiots" since. That's both correct and good; no one wanted them around in the first place. But they never represented the mainstream of a political party, nor did we see a Tiki Squad in Congress. 

And that's the difference and the problem, both here in the US and in other Western nations. 

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