Help Wanted: 'Narrative Accountability Editor' for 'Mission-Driven Journalism'

This job requires someone with a track record of producing sophisticated narrative pieces and the ability to identify and pursue sharp investigative and accountability targets. The ideal candidate has a demonstrated ability to guide and shape compelling stories that use immersive reporting, keenly observed moments and exceptional writing to illuminate systemic failures and hold powerful people, institutions and interests to account. Experience shaping stories around elements of narrative writing such as character, scene and arc is a must. In addition, this editor must have strong instincts about how to drive accountability and investigative reporting with rigor, precision and authority, and how to connect propulsive narratives to topics of broad and urgent interest.


This editor should have a passion for mission-driven journalism and an instinct for identifying story ideas and reporting targets that will be of strong interest to a wide audience.

Ed Morrissey

At least they're not hiding it, I suppose. What in the world is "mission-driven journalism," and why does a news outlet need a "narrative accountability editor"? 

One of the 'preferred qualifications' reads: "The ability to bring clarity and insight to deeply complex subjects." Anyone have a Newspeak dictionary to translate that into English? My best guess: Enforce the elite perspective no matter how complex the actual reality might be

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