France on Palestinian State: Non

"France does not consider that the conditions have yet been met for this decision to have a real impact on this process," Sejourne said after talks in Paris with Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz. ...


"This is not just a symbolic issue or a question of political positioning, but a diplomatic tool in the service of the solution of two states living side by side in peace and security," Sejourne said.

French diplomats say symbolic recognition will be of no use, especially without real momentum towards a political process supported by the United States, Israel's main ally.

Ed Morrissey

Recognize what? As what? There are no agreed-upon borders, Gaza is run by a terrorist proxy army funded by Iran, and the West Bank by a corruptocracy that hasn't dared to hold an election in two decades. 'Palestine' isn't a state, and it's not even a functional polity. It's a grievance camp that has rejected every proposal for statehood that has been offered to them, because they want to annihilate Israel instead. 

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