The Anti-Climax of The Trump Trial in Manhattan

People already have their idea of whether or not Trump is a criminal, and if the jury doesn't agree with them, they'll be outraged at the jury. ...

[Michelle]Goldberg doesn't mention that Trump opponents "will easily rationalize away" an acquittal. She does acknowledge that if the jury finds Trump guilty, he will appeal and "there’s little chance that he’ll be incarcerated before Election Day."


The hoped-for climax is sure to be crushed, but why pre-crush it?

Ed Morrissey

Goldberg echoes the lament from the WaPo opinion editor a week or so ago, which was (paraphrased from memory) "why isn't Trump's trial doing him any damage?" It's because the trial itself has no credibility, and no real connection to Trump the politician. It's a jumped-up felony indictment involving business records over an NDA payment that took place before Trump took office, and its star witness is a serial perjurer who lied in his testimony last week and admitted to embezzlement this week. It's a clown show. 

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