Old Enough for a Gun, Too Young for TikTok?

The case for coherence in laws governing teens is the same as it is for legal coherence generally: Forcing citizens to live under a complex patchwork of rules and regulations not unified by a logical or intuitive principle makes compliance more difficult and undermines respect for the law. 


With the rise of interest in restrictions on social media, for example, there may soon be states where teens could legally own a gun, get an abortion, or have a full-time job, yet not be permitted to do a little dance on TikTok or send a spicy text. 

Ed Morrissey

Again, this is a fair point and a real issue both within and between states. I mentioned this in a recent Headline article about a Florida journalist that got really unhappy about a new law requiring strippers to be 21 rather than 18. That's hardly a "missile aimed at strip clubs" as he claimed, but it does raise the issue of disparate treatment of adults in various capacities, even within a state. 

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