Feminists Warn Young Girls: Don't Marry Rich Football Stars That Will Love and Praise You

"Can you imagine how terrible it would be to marry a ripped, non-feminist football star who loves you so much he gets choked up every time he honors you in a speech?" activist Margery Strecker exclaimed in a Tik-Tok short aimed at 13-year-old girls. "Imagine if you married a guy like that and he started sacrificially loving you and honoring you while taking care of your every need forever! It would be like The Handmaid's Tale all over again!"


"Harrison Butker is disgusting!" Jane Davis (@38yroldsngle) commented on X (formerly Twitter). "Young girls should avoid men like that at all costs and instead pursue corporate careers in the big city while going to clubs and sleeping with losers they meet on dating apps every weekend until they turn 38! Think of your careers, ladies!"

Ed Morrissey

Or alternately, they could date football stars that will impregnate them and then leave them to raise their children alone while they impregnate a series of other girl bosses that reject Butker's advice, too. Now that's liberation, folks!

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