Judge Cannon to Jack Smith: Disappointed!

In a five-page order released Sunday, Cannon, who was appointed by Trump, wrote she was disappointed that Smith asked her to keep information from the public to protect grand jury secrecy and witness safety. She contended that Smith ignored similar concerns at other times during the case. ...


"But nowhere in that explanation is there any basis to conclude that the Special Counsel could not have defended the integrity of his Office while simultaneously preserving the witness-safety and Rule6(e) concerns he has repeatedly told the Court, and maintains to this day, are of serious consequence, and which the Court has endeavored with diligence to accommodate in its multiple Orders on sealing/redaction.

"The Court is disappointed in these developments. The sealing and redaction rules should be applied consistently and fairly upon a sufficient factual and legal showing. And parties should not make requests that undermine any prior representations or positions except upon full disclosure to the Court and appropriate briefing."

Ed Morrissey

This is more of a tempest in a legal teapot. It's not all that substantive to the case, but it does expose Smith's political maneuvers in a manner he'd probably prefer not seeing. It's also never good to "disappoint" the federal judge trying your case. 

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