Johnson Now One of the Most Effective Speakers Ever

Despite presiding over one of the smallest and most restive House majorities in history, he has managed to navigate the warring factions of his party to pass a raft of critical legislation, including a government funding bill that averted a catastrophic shutdown; reauthorization of a foreign surveillance law critical to disrupting terrorist attacks; a lethal-aid package for Ukraine that staved off imminent defeat, plus vital military assistance for Israel and Taiwan; legislation that allows the United States to seize Russian assets and use them to aid Ukraine; bipartisan legislation to ban TikTok in the United States if it is not sold to a new parent company that is not Chinese within about a year; and new sanctions against China, Iran and Russia. And in the wake of those legislative victories, accomplished with bipartisan support, he defeated an effort by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) to oust him, which was rejected by a 359-43 vote amid a cacophony of boos from her GOP colleagues.


Name me another speaker who has accomplished so much, in so short a time, against such overwhelming odds.

Ed Morrissey

I like Johnson as Speaker so far, given the obstacles that he faces, but to paraphrase Winston Wolf in Pulp FictionLet's not start patting each other on the back quite yet. (Yes, that's a very sanitized version of the quote.) I don't think a few months of work on a backlog of stalled legislation makes Johnson eligible to have his name replace Sam Rayburn's name on one of the Capitol Hill buildings. Thiessen is always worth reading and I agree with him much of the time, but this has a taste of hysteric enthusiasm based on low expectations. 

Let's see if he can even win another election as GOP caucus leader before hailing Johnson as the GOAT. I certainly hope he does, though.

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