Chicago Fails to Respond to 911 Home Invasion Call for Hours

A woman in Chicago called the police after she came face to face with two strangers who entered her home after she let her dog out just past midnight.

She screamed and called police, but the 911 dispatchers told her they had no one to send to her home. She called back six times and finally one of the dispatchers told her the slow response was due to a lack of police funding.


The woman had to wait four hours before officers arrived at her home.

Here’s more from the New York Post:

A Chicago mom who called 911 during a terrifying break-in was left on her own for hours — with dispatchers telling her to call her local representative to demand more police funding.

Michelle called the emergency hotline six times after coming face-to-face with two masked bandits, only for the strained supervisor to tell her the city’s severe budget cuts had left them with a bare-bones staff.

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