BREAKING: Cohen Admits Stealing From Trump's Company

Donald Trump's former fixer Michael Cohen testified on Monday that he stole money from Trump's company, an admission that could chip away at his credibility as a star witness at the former U.S. president's hush money trial.


Questioned by Trump's lawyer Todd Blanche, Cohen acknowledged stealing from the Trump Organization by including a reimbursement to a technology company in his bonus package and pocketing most of the money. ...

Cohen said he paid roughly $20,000 of the $50,000 that Trump's company owed to the tech company in cash, handing it off in a brown paper bag at his office. He said he kept the rest. He was reimbursed $100,000 total by the Trump Organization for that payment.

Ed Morrissey

What. A. Disaster. Isn't this something that should have convinced prosecutors to drop the case, or at least address it in direct examination to take the sting out of it?

Instead, prosecutors have built a case around a serial perjurer and now admitted embezzler about the veracity of Trump's business records. Any other court would have called a halt to this clown show by now and dismissed the charges with prejudice. One has to wonder whether the state bar may want to investigate this soon to see if the prosecutors suborned perjury last week, too. Adam and I discuss this in our upcoming Amiables episode this afternoon. 

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