Inflation Wonderland: Where 1.4% Magically Becomes 9%

When you are unable to agree on basic facts, on the rules, on what the foundation is, on the starting point, you can’t agree on anything because you’re starting at different places.  If you say the sky is green and I say it is blue, one of us is just wrong.  If you say a touchdown in football is worth 9 points and I say it is worth 6 points, we can’t be playing the same game.  The rules can be adjusted as in MLB between the National and American leagues.  But when the games are different, there can be no compromise.  You can’t play chess using a basketball.

You cannot reason with the unreasonable.  As Thomas Payne once said,

“To argue with a man who has renounced the use and authority of reason, and whose philosophy consists in holding humanity in contempt, is like administering medicine to the dead…” 

We are now in the season when reasoning with Amtrak Joe supporters is like trying to administer reason and logic to the brain dead.  It’s a waste of time and effort.  His supporters, however few there are left, are having none of it.

Case in point, inflation.  Even The Resident’s Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers, Jared Bernstein, supposedly an intelligent man, refuses to tell the truth on what the national annual inflation rate was when The Resident took office in January 2021.  Watch and listen to him squirm and weasel his way around not answering Neil Cavuto’s question regarding The Resident’s repeated lies about the actual inflation rate when he first took office.


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