Using Poverty to Politically Segregate the Cuban People

Apartheid is alive and well in communist Cuba. The Castro dictatorship uses poverty and institutes policies that will produce more of it to keep the Cuban people segregated from their country and the world.


Alberto Mendez Castello explains in CubaNet (my translation):

Poverty and the reproduction of poverty: Apartheid in Cuba

Fulfilling its mission to export Marxist ideology, not only to underdeveloped countries in Latin America but also to very specific environments in the United States, such as its universities and the American cultural and intellectual scene, Castro-communist totalitarianism has tried to conceal, or at least mask, the poverty and reproduction of poverty in Cuba. This poverty now covers various social strata, including workers, peasants, public employees, and retirees. However, for opponents, dissidents, or those simply apathetic to the regime, poverty is caused by apartheid, understood as political segregation.

Using a verbose, rhetorical discourse and abundant statistics that, for example, portray Cuba as a very educated, cultured, and enlightened country — when in reality, even the lyrics of some songs reveal that it has degenerated into an uncultured, boisterous nation embroiled in a marginal and quasi-criminal economy due to its unproductive outcomes, bordering on fraud — the regime publicizes grandiose figures for primary, secondary, higher education, and university graduates. However, these numbers actually express the intrinsically sectarian quality of this totalitarian, Marxist education.

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