Trump Prosecutors File For a Do-Over After Cohen Testimony

"We'll try again and actually prepare this time," said one prosecutor when the motion was filed. "We admittedly made the mistake of coming into this case with no gameplan whatsoever and expected to just win without doing any research or work or anything. In hindsight, building our entire strategy the night before the trial started and having it hinge on the testimonies of an adult film star and a disbarred lawyer who was convicted of perjury may not have been the best idea. That's why we're officially filing a motion for a do-over."


Trump's legal team immediately cried foul. "No do-overs!" said defense attorney Todd Blanche. "Before the trial began, we presented a brief to the court that specified no do-overs, no backsies. Triple-stamped, no erasies.["] 

Ed Morrissey

It's satire, but I wish that it were ridiculous instead of ridicule-able. Bear in mind that this results in a hung jury, Alvin Bragg can actually try for a 'do-over.' 

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