Michael Cohen Is the World’s Worst Witness. Will It Matter?

They didn’t televise this trial despite the fact that it would have gotten very high ratings, because they knew how terrible it would look. They knew it would expose the hollowness of the case against Trump and the duplicity of the prosecutors and the witnesses against him. Too many people watching it might be shocked enough to vote for Trump when they saw for themselves, up close and personal, just how corrupt these people are, and how completely and utterly unprincipled the whole thing is.


So they thought they’d filter it for the public through the MSM and could count on the jury to convict, and although a conviction would probably be reversed that didn’t matter because it would happen after the election. But what they didn’t quite bargain for was that Cohen would be so awful that even the MSM would notice and some sort of vestigial reporting instinct would kick in for some people, at least for a day.

I doubt that instinct will last any longer than that.

Ed Morrissey

I believe the impact of the reporting on Cohen's testimony will last longer than Neo thinks, although I understand her skepticism. She's right that this should have been televised, even though I'm not a fan of cameras in trials; Dershowitz wrote an entire essay on this point yesterday, too. But in this case, enough has gotten out even at MSNBC to expose the entire rotten enterprise. 

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