Televise Trump's Trials. And Menendez'.

Every important trial involving public figures should be televised. Now the trial of Senator Robert Menendez is starting. It, too, should be publicized so that the public can see how the judiciary deals with an important case involving a member of the legislative branch. Even the Supreme Court now permits live audio broadcasts of important appellate cases. Hopefully, they will soon allow telecasting since there is little difference between listening and seeing the justices and the lawyers.


The framers of the Constitution intended all judicial proceedings to be public – no secret trials. At the time of the framing, public meant open to print journalists. Today, public means audio and video publication.

The New York trial of Trump is a national scandal. There is no real crime. The judge has allowed testimony that is highly prejudicial and irrelevant. He has made numerous unfair rulings, of which the prosecution has taken advantage. The public has the right to see this abuse with their own eyes, so that we all can judge for ourselves and not allow possibly biased reporters to judge for us.

Ed Morrissey

I tend to dislike cameras in the courtroom. The OJ Simpson trial convinced me at the time that live TV coverage turned the trial into televised circus, with everyone playing for the cameras -- including the judge, Lance Ito. However, I think Dersh has a point here when it comes to public officials put on trial for criminal offenses. Not only does the public have the right to see them held accountable, but also need to see whether the charges hold up at all or are intended as political punishments. 

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