'Insubordination': College President Suspended for Agreeing to Protesters' Demands

In a Wednesday statement, California State University Chancellor Mildred Garcia wrote:

“On Tuesday evening, Sonoma State University President Mike Lee sent a campuswide message concerning an agreement with campus protesters. That message was sent without the appropriate approvals ... because of this insubordination and consequences it has brought upon the system, President Lee has been placed on administrative leave.” ...


Among the four “points of agreement” he described was for the school to disclose university vendor contracts and seek “divestment strategies.” In another section, under the heading “Academic Boycott,” Lee detailed how the school will not pursue formal collaborations that are “sponsored by, or represent, the Israeli state academic and research institutions.”

Ed Morrissey

Could the adults be back in charge in the Cal State U system? We'll see on Saturday, when commencement ceremonies will take place. Lee's removal and the rejection of his agreement will likely prompt a vigorous reaction from the radicals on campus. If the adults are truly back in charge, we'll see arrests, prosecutions, and expulsions the next time around. 

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