Guess Who's Paying for UCLA Protesters' Defense?

The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted last week to provide legal assistance for those who were arrested when law enforcement moved in to get rid of the anti-Israel encampment at the University of California, Los Angeles.


Over 200 people were arrested earlier this month when California Highway Patrolmen in riot gear breached the fortified encampment, which was located outside of Royce Hall. Those who were arrested was due to them not dispersing and often fighting with CHP, despite being given multiple warnings to leave. The west end of the camp was left open for people who were willing to leave.

The ones who stayed and fought with the police did so willingly.

Ed Morrissey

They would have had access to a public defender anyway -- the Miranda warning makes that clear -- but only if they couldn't afford to hire their own counsel. The supervisor voted to allow them to use the public defenders' office without regard to their financial status, which essentially redistributes resources from the poor to students attending an expensive university. I wonder what the PDs think of this. You can probably guess how their indigent clients feel about being shuffled aside for a bunch of spoiled, privileged brats. 

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