Foster Children: The New Pawn in the Gender Wars

The idea that failing to endorse a child’s identity constitutes psychological abuse has spread across major American institutions and power centers and is reflected in recent court precedent, school “social transition” policiesjournal publications, and several proposed state laws. Illinois’s House Bill 4876, for example, would redefine child abuse to include denying minors “necessary medical . . . gender-affirming services,” meaning parents who take a more cautious approach to their child’s dysphoria—an approach endorsed by a growing number of European countries—could become targets of investigation by the Illinois Department of Children and Families, with some even losing custody.


The Biden administration is seeking to entrench this redefinition of “abuse” with its recently published foster-care regulations. Guided by misleading characterizations and omissions of existing research, the new rules from the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) enshrine activist talking points about what constitutes a child’s “best interest,” with dire implications for foster children and parents alike.

Under the new rules, state agencies must follow specific protocols when placing “LGBTQI+” foster children in residential settings. Given what the ACF describes as the “specific needs” of these children, the agency requires federally funded providers to qualify as “Designated Placements” to serve such youth. To obtain this designation, providers must undergo specialized gender-identity and sexual-orientation training, facilitate access to “age- or developmentally appropriate resources, services, and activities that support the [child’s] health and well-being,” and “commit to establishing an environment that supports the child’s LGBTQI+ status or identity.” State foster agencies, to get federal funds, must develop and submit to the ACF case plans that ensure each child is placed in the most “appropriate setting available.”


Ed Morrissey

Let's put aside the direct argument here and focus on the likely outcomes. This will force households that would otherwise be safe and welcoming for foster children to pull out of these programs. There aren't enough safe foster households as it is, which means that these children will likely get stuck in already-overcrowded residential facilities without the individual attention they need. It might incentivize trans activists to enter the foster program, which means that a number of vulnerable children will get proselytized into a social contagion verging on a cult at the very same time that researchers are finally admitting that there is no medical basis for pediatric sex-change therapies. 

It's insane, and only a change of administration will stop it. 

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