Chaos Breeds 'Never Bidens'

It’s not just that Biden is losing the individual votes – it’s that he might lose those votes to Donald Trump. Biden has sowed division and chaos, and now he is reaping the whirlwind all because the pro-Iran Obama holdovers in the administration are telling him that he cannot lose the pro-Hamas vote in Michigan. He might yet win that, but he will lose all the “normies” who just want to not see Keffiyah Karens and Hamas Handmaids and Antifa on their news feeds each day.


If Biden now represents as much chaos as the media portrays Trump to be, then regular voters are going to be comparing the two, and the comparison will not favor Joe Biden. There is a reason he is currently trailing in the polls in the swing states. 

Ed Morrissey

Chaos certainly breeds opposition, but Joe Biden's disgraceful conduct among allies is the present catalyst for Never Bidenism. 

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