Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre Rooftop Solar Panels Go Up in Flames

Thousands of swimmers have been evacuated after the Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre became engulfed in flames on Monday afternoon. 

Fire Rescue New South Wales said crews rushed to the sporting precinct after they received multiple calls about a fire at the swimming venue.


"FRNSW crews are responding to reports of a building fire after multiple calls have been received by '000' with black smoke issuing from the roof of a building on Olympic Boulevard," Fire Rescue NSW said.

"Six appliances and 24 Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) firefighters responded to the incident in Shane Gould Avenue at 12.15pm after reports of black smoke issuing from the building.

"Upon investigation, crews found a working fire in the solar panels on the roof of the sporting facility."

Beege Welborn

Swimmers had to hotfoot it out of there.

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