New: 'Terrorist Wife' Police Claim Present at Columbia Identified

The wife of an ex-college professor convicted of terrorism-related charges was spotted hanging out at Columbia University’s encampment prior to the dramatic police raid — as Mayor Eric Adams on Wednesday blamed outside agitators for the campus chaos. ...


Sami Al-Arian — who pleaded guilty in 2005 to fundraising and other support for the terrorist group Palestinian Islamic Jihad — had earlier boasted on social media that his wife, Nahla, was among those who joined anti-Israel protesters at the Ivy League campus last week.

It wasn’t immediately clear if Nahla Al-Arian was present, or if she had only joined the tent encampment last week.

Ed Morrissey

The DoJ convicted al-Arian of providing material support to Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) in 2006 and sentenced him to a 4-5 year term. Al-Arian allocuted to his crimes in the plea (via reader Stephen):

Al-Arian admits that he performed services for the PIJ in 1995 and thereafter, when he was a professor at the University of South Florida and after he knew that the PIJ had been designated by President Clinton as a terrorist organization. Al-Arian also acknowledges in the plea agreement that he knew the PIJ used acts of violence as a means to achieve its objectives. Nevertheless, Al-Arian continued to assist the terrorist organization, for instance, by filing official paperwork to obtain immigration benefits for PIJ associate Bashir Nafi, and concealing the terrorist associations of various individuals associated with the PIJ. He further admits to assisting PIJ associate Mazen al-Najjar in a federal court proceeding, a proceeding in which al-Najjar and Nafi both falsely claimed under oath that they were not associated with the PIJ. Moreover, Al-Arian acknowledges that in late 1995, when Ramadan Shallah, co-conspirator and former director of Al-Arian’s “think tank,” the World and Islam Studies Enterprise (WISE) was named as the new Secretary General of the PIJ, Al-Arian falsely denied to the media that he knew of Shallah’s association with PIJ.

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