Columbia Classmates Call for Intifada. I Just Want to Attend College.

Right now my campus is, to put it bluntly, a giant mess. Campus access has been restricted to students living in the seven residential halls on Morningside campus and the essential workers. I am a paying student just like everyone else at the university and I am currently restricted from my own campus, kosher dining halls and any peace of mind. These rioters are calling themselves a part of the “student intifada” and have been physically moving Jewish students, or anyone who believes in Israel’s right to exist, away from Hamilton Hall. Not only do my friends and I feel unsafe walking near campus, but this is all happening the week before I am taking final exams for this semester. How can I be expected to focus on classes when people are calling, whether they know it or not, for me to be killed for being me?


Unlike the historic protests at Columbia in 1968, where university policies were targeted and not fellow students, Jewish students are now being threatened for just being Jewish. These protests are no longer a moment of unity for the Columbia student body.

My classmates are trying to emulate the 1968 protests at Columbia and failing; in doing so, they create a toxic environment on campus that negatively affects the Jewish community.

Ed Morrissey

To some extent, the campus protests are a kind of Sixties Envy. But in large part, it's the outcome and the agenda of the "New Left" Marxists that took over Academia and the entire education establishment. Their inflexible "intersectionality" doesn't necessarily create their anti-Semitism as much as it provides a shabby cover for it. 

I'd suggest a change of scenery for Mr. Singerman. Come south and find not just warmer weather but warmer people.  Columbia is lost. 

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