Israel's Measured Response

Early Thursday afternoon, a pure-civilian from my work-world asked me what I thought Israel might do in response to the almost 300-400 warheads sent its way from Iran.


Once an Operational Planner, always an Operational Planner.

I outlined three possible Courses of Action (COA) for him in my usual “graduated response” format. I have zero access to Higher Direction and Guidance (D&G) and Commander’s Intent, so there isn’t much specificity here with the full expectation that additional work would be required once briefed up the chain to those who would have at least unofficial visibility on Higher D&G.

Ed Morrissey

This isn't a lengthy post, but I included it as a demonstration of what real strategic consideration looks like. We've seen precious little of it from this administration, and even the Israelis have seemed too slow on this process -- before this past week, that is. I believe the Iran attack woke them up to the urgency of ending this war on their terms as soon as possible. 

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