RFK's Enviro Buddies: 'Honor Our Planet. Drop Out.'

As an independent candidate for the White House, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., claims he would be the “best environment president in American history,” drawing on his past as a crusading lawyer who went after polluters in New York.


But dozens of Mr. Kennedy’s former colleagues at the Natural Resources Defense Council are calling on him to withdraw from the race, in full-page advertisements sponsored by the group’s political arm that are expected to appear in newspapers in six swing states on Sunday. ...

“A vote for RFK Jr. is a vote to destroy that progress and put Trump back in the White House,” says the newspaper ad that will run in Georgia, North Carolina, Nevada, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.["]

Ed Morrissey

Heck, that might be a feature rather than a bug in places like ... well, like Georgia, North Carolina, Nevada, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. But one has to wonder why they're so focused on Kennedy and not, say, whoever gets the Green Party nomination. Have they ever demanded that Jill Stein withdraw, in 2016 or 2020? I'm asking that sincerely, as they may have, but I think I'd recall an effort by hard-core enviros to do so if one had taken place.

This part made me laugh out loud:

“If folks remember him as an environmentalist, he is no more,” she said about Mr. Kennedy. “He’s against science, he’s against vaccines, he talks jibber jabber on climate. I don’t know what he stands for.”

RFK Jr has been an anti-vaxxer for a couple of decades, at least. They're just noticing it now? Come on, man. This is nothing more than white-knighting for Biden.

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