Left Freaks After SCOTUS Rules 9-0 That Reverse Discrimination Is Good Cause for Lawsuit

The left should be celebrating a lawsuit extending employees' right to sue over discrimination based on skin color or sex. Instead, they're alarmed. Because this will limit their ability to discriminate against whites and men.


What the Court finds here can give rise to a suit is the situation where an employer continues paying an employee the same wage, but changes the other elements of his job so that the job is worse.

This is EXACTLY what Disney, for example, is alleged to have done to drive out it's "Pale and Male is Stale" animators, giving them the worst assignments despite them having the most experience, skill, and seniority, to make the job humiliating enough that they'd quit. Which many of them did.

Ed Morrissey

Have fun storming the castle! (Almost literally, in this case...)

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