Why People Don't Care About Persecuted Christians

How much do care about your fellow Christians who are being persecuted?

No, really. 

Be honest with yourself, if with nobody else. None of us can fool God, nor outwit the enemy via our own puny powers. Pose yourself the following probing questions, if only to better assess your own strengths and weaknesses. Don’t do what I did when once I gained a lot of weight — take down the mirrors so I wouldn’t have to see it.


How willing are you to make some sacrifice to help persecuted Christians?

Will that extend to taking the risk that you might join them?

To put this another way: Is your faith something you’re willing to pick a fight over, even a fight that you might lose? Or is it a lifestyle accessory, a track of mood music you play in the background that helps you get through the day?

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