RFK Campaign Official Issued 'Homophobic' Attack on Trump Campaign Official

On Wednesday, Angela Stanton King, who has been working with Kennedy’s campaign for months, took to X (formerly known as Twitter) and Instagram to attack Diante Johnson, who hosted former President Donald Trump at a gala event for the Black Conservative Federation in South Carolina in February.


In a screenshot of the Instagram post shared with POLITICO, Stanton King called Johnson “an open flaming Feminine closet Gay.” She then continued in the caption: “How is he gonna lead heterosexual black men to the Republican Party?” ...

Stanton King’s deleted posts come at a time when Kennedy’s campaign has also been asked to respond to issues related to other consultants.

Ed Morrissey

Yikes. One might get the impression that Team RFK is comprised of cranks and incompetents ... and that's probably a good description of its candidates, too. 

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