John Cleese: Cancel Culture Is an 'Organized ... Totalitarian' Movement

To prove it, he brought up how he tried, in vain, to invite 14 “extreme woke” experts to expound on Lukianoff’s book, “The Coddling of the American Mind,” on Cleese’s “The Dinosaur Show” program.


All 14 refused.

“One said, ‘the very fact that you’re going to discuss it is the problem,'” Cleese recalled. “In other words, ‘we have a set of ideas and if you don’t agree with us on everything you hate us and we’re gonna try to get you fired. Crazy.”

Cancel Culture doesn’t just get innocent people fired. It makes them less funny. The same applies to any artistic endeavor.

Ed Morrissey

That's a good and accurate description. But only in a society where the markets have formed an alliance with power can such a scheme succeed. We're a lot closer to fascism -- actual fascism -- than some realize. 

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