Great News: California Spent $24 Billion on Homelessness ... And Never Tracked It

Despite the roughly $24 billion spent on homeless and housing programs during the 2018-2023 fiscal years, the problem didn’t improve in many cities, according to state auditor’s report that attempts to assess how effective the spending has been.


Among other things, the report found that the California Interagency Council on Homelessness, which is responsible for coordinating agencies and allocating resources for homelessness programs, stopped tracking spending on programs and their outcomes in 2021 despite the continuous funding from the state.

Ed Morrissey

Say, who runs California anyway? Would that be Gavin Newsom and the one-party Democrat monopoly on power? Yes, by golly, that's right! The cities aren't much better at accounting or accountability either. 

By the way, the state has over 30 programs for homelessness. Guess how many are "likely cost-effective". 

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