Purging Officials In Cuba: 20th One in 3 Months Gets the Hook

Castro, Inc. has a fever, and the only prescription is purging, purging, purging. Twice this week, Communist Party leaders have been sacked. By now, no one can deny the pattern. Every week, one by one, the top dogs are being replaced. Thus far, in the first three months of 2024, the total number of purged officials is around twenty, including six provincial Communist Party heads, and various top ministers, such as “corrupt” Economy Minister Alejandro Gil. Aaaah. . . . Communism. . . you’ve got to love that sweet smell of purges in the morning.


Loosely translated from Diario de Cuba

The Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) announced the “liberation” (a euphemism used by the political apparatus in Cuba to refer to a dismissal) of its first secretary in Havana, Luis Antonio Torres Iríbar, in what constitutes one of numerous changes that have occurred in the Cuban political hierarchy so far this year.

According to an official note from the Government of Havana, the decision was made on Friday by the plenary of the Provincial Committee of the capital’s PCC at the request of the Political Bureau and was carried out in the form of a “liberation for renewal” of the position after more than five years in office.

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