The Hypocrisy Behind Trump Gag Order

There are several big problems with this gag order. One is that, while Trump is now prohibited from speaking out against those who are going after him, others involved in the case still have free rein. Michael Cohen is a prime example. 


Cohen, who publicly thanked the judge for imposing the original gag order, has his entire X feed and podcasts revolving around Trump. Yet the judge obviously doesn’t care about Cohen’s rants, just Trump’s. See the hypocrisy here? Oh, but it gets better. 

The judge didn’t likeTrump going after his daughter, especially last Wednesday with this Truth Social post. ...

The problem with this is that Loren Merchan is, as noted above, a Democrat operative whose company has made millions working for Adam Schiff, Kamala Harris, Gavin Newsom, Joe Biden, and others. 

Ed Morrissey

These gag orders are all somewhat abusive. Yes, judges do sometimes order them to keep from having cases tried in the media, but these cases involve a politician running for office who has to defend himself politically as well as legally. This looks like the court is more interested in silencing one side of the case, even when a key prosecution witness is still commenting publicly on the defendant. There is a fundamental injustice in that. 

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