'Ceasefire' Protesters Keep Getting Arrested on Gun Charges

The do-gooders in Illinois believe that if you hire enough felons to “interrupt” violence, somehow you’ll make the streets safer. Given that Murder City USA has kept that title for 12 years in a row now, one would think that smarter heads would prevail and the state legislature would vote to stop paying millions of taxpayer dollars to these foolish endeavors.


Yet each year, Gov. J.B. Pritzker signs off on scores of millions paid to these organizations like “CeaseFire” who employ ex-cons who will supposedly stop gang violence.  ($110M in 2022 alone!)  Ironically, CeaseFire lost one of its recent leaders thanks to an arrest for beating his wife domestic battery.

And while shoveling the money at these groups never stops, neither do the arrests of these paid “anti-violence” workers, often times for gun charges. Take Davon Turner, aged 35 – or in common parlance, “old enough to know better.”

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