Russia Is Behind 'Havana Syndrome' -- And US Avoiding the Evidence


Tonight we have important developments in our five-year investigation of mysterious brain injuries reported by U.S. national security officials. The injured include White House staff, CIA officers, FBI agents, military officers and their families. Many believe that they were wounded by a secret weapon that fires a high-energy beam of microwaves or ultrasound. This is our fourth story and for the first time, we have evidence of who might be responsible. Most of the injured have fought for America, often in secret. And they're frustrated that the U.S. government publicly doubts that an adversary is targeting Americans. ...

Scott Pelley: Were any of these members of the FBI counterintelligence people in addition to Carrie? 

Mark Zaid: The one thread that I know of with the FBI personnel that is common among most if not all of my clients other than the family members connected to the employee, was they were all doing something relating to Russia. 

Ed Morrissey

John has been writing about this of late; he may have more on this development later. It shouldn't surprise anyone that Russia would be a prime suspect in these attacks; the tech behind it would likely point to either Russia or China, or perhaps North Korea and Iran as second-tier suspects. But it's surprising that the US keeps resisting the idea that the attacks exist in the first place. 

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