Experts: No, Students for Life Is Not a 'Terrorist Group'

Created by the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism, or START, the project purportedly tracks “ideologically motivated criminal activity” and known “extremists” through 2021.


The Fix previously reported how two Students for Life of America members who were arrested for writing “black pre-born lives matter” on a sidewalk in 2020 are recorded in PIRUS. This puts them among white supremacists, jihadist groups, and other threats.

Moreover, SFLA appears under a “Terrorist_Group” label in the raw dataset.

When asked if START’s labeling was appropriate, national security expert Elizabeth Neumann flatly replied, “No.”

Ed Morrissey

This label is not just absurd, it's corrosive to both national security and political liberty. The bureaucratic state wants to label all of its opponents as terrorists to shut them up, which undermines the value of counter-terror operations and leaves us more open to attacks. Everyone involved in this outcome should be fired, and yet we know that no one will get fired for it. 

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