Will RFK Go Libertarian?

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is in talks to run on the Libertarian Party presidential ticket — a move that could translate his popularity into becoming a near-guaranteed choice on ballots in all 50 states.


Libertarian Party Chair Angela McArdle spoke with Kennedy in recent weeks following his appearance at the California party convention at the end of February. The two have been in contact since last July about the third party’s nominating process, which is decided by unbound delegates at the national convention this May in Washington. ...

Kennedy is not a libertarian — he started his presidential campaign as a Democrat — but the alliance would be mutually beneficial. The Libertarian Party has consistently made it on the ballot in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, and the Libertarian ticket has performed better at the presidential level when it has a candidate with high name recognition.

Ed Morrissey

Organizationally, it makes some sense, especially after Kennedy opted out of the Democrat primaries. Politically, it would be fairly cynical for RFK and the Libertarians. Kennedy's more closely aligned to the Greens than the Libertarians, both on policy and temperamentally. 

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