Too Weird to Check: 40% of Black Voters Want to Sit Out 2024 Election?

Now, as Biden has a firm grip on the Democrat party as he heads into a rematch against former President Donald Trump, that cohort of black voters may not show up. 


poll released Monday from In Our Own Voice: National Black Women’s Reproductive Justice Agenda with PerryUndem found that just 59 percent of black voters are 'almost certain' to vote this fall and 12 percent 'will probably' vote. 

The results indicate that around 40 percent of black voters are not certain they will cast votes in the 2024 elections. 

Ed Morrissey

That sounds like a problem, until you look at the historical rate-of-turnout data. The turnout percentage for black voters in presidential elections usually runs around 60%, about what this poll suggests. It got closer to 70% for the two elections involving Barack Obama, but there was a clear reason for the enthusiasm in those cases. It also spiked up a bit in 2020, but so did turnout in all demos that year, thanks in part to cabin fever. In the midterms of 2022, turnout among black voters only got to 40%. 

This looks more like business as usual, although that's not to say Biden doesn't have a problem. The real danger is that black voters motivated to come to the polls may be doing so to boot Biden out of office. 

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