The Red-Right-Hand Apologists

At that point, Jews pointed out, far too delicately, what they see when they look at the red-right-hand pin, as if it were a matter of opinion. This was a mistake. The organization that put together a public-relations campaign on behalf of Hamas isn’t confused, and the participants knew with whom they were getting into bed. After the Israelis were murdered by hand in that Ramallah police station, one of the bodies was thrown out the window to the crowd below, which further tore it apart. One of the videos shows a man holding up what appears to be the victim’s heart. The red right hand pin of Artists4Ceasefire shows the bloody hand holding a black heart. None of this is arbitrary,


But here’s the thing: Even if you were generous enough to allow ghoulish activists to pretend for a moment that it were open to interpretation, Georgetown Law students provided the other bookend to this story. The mere suggestion that Jews “saw” the pin as a reference to the lynching was enough to encourage anti-Israel activists to adopt the “Jewish interpretation” as their own. They showed up dressed as Aziz Salha because they wanted to remove any ambiguity, and because they knew that the Jews they were protesting would get the message.

Ask yourself the following question: After it was made clear how “from the river to the sea” was being “interpreted” by Jews and non-Jews alike—heck, after a congresswoman was censured over it—did activists and demonstrators use the phrase less often? 

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