Desperate Cuban Dictatorship Pleads With US For Diplomatic Thaw

The massive protests in Cuba this past Sunday shook the Castro dictatorship so violently that on Monday, the regime was pleading with the U.S. to return to the diplomatic table. Cuba’s communist regime is desperate for some type of “win” to show the Cuban people and the world it is still viable, even if it’s just cosmetic.


Despite accusations of U.S. interference in internal affairs on the island, the Cuban dictatorship is pulling out all the stops in the hopes it can rekindle the love affair that began with President Obama’s disastrous visit to Cuba. So far, however, Havana’s overtures have fallen on deaf ears.

Ed Morrissey

I'm actually surprised this isn't working with the Biden administration. The Obamastablishment loooooooved its Cuban policy, and objected loudly when Trump reversed it and treated the Castroites like the brutal oppressors they are. With Biden kissing up to the Iranians and the Venezuelans, it's very notable that they have thus far done nothing on Cuba. 

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