Hamas now exists only in Rafa, four battalions by all counts, which is thousands of Hamas fighters. That’s where the leadership is. That’s where the hostages are. And all of American policy for the last two to three weeks, maybe month, has been to try to bully Israel into not finishing off Hamas. And now Chuck Schumer steps in and picks up that cudgel and he hits Netanyahu over the head. And why is he hitting net over the head? Is because he’s been too uncompromising.
I think there’s going to be a huge, there is a huge backlash to this. I think what Schumer did is disgraceful. He’s trying to walk it back.
Too late, Chuck, you will not walk it back. Your legacy will be that you betrayed not just the Jewish people, but you betrayed Western civilization and your own country with these comments at a critical moment in history. Because let’s face it, the people Israel is fighting in Gaza and elsewhere are enemies of the United States. They are enemies of Western civilization.
What they did on October 7th, they would do to us in a heartbeat if they could. And Chuck Schumer is fighting to prevent them from being destroyed. It’s disgraceful. He will never live this down.
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