Soon You Might Have to Have Have a Paid Subscription to Use Self Check Out at WalMart or Target

There may soon be limits on who can use self-checkout at stores like Walmart and Target.

Some shoppers have reported that some self-checkout lines have been closed off at Walmart, according to TODAY.


“This is the second time this week that I’ve gone to Walmart, and this is a different Walmart, and it’s been right about this time, and all their self-checkouts are closed and they’ve started to open up the regular lines again,” one person said in a TikTok video.

According to a Reddit post, at least one Walmart had a sign blocking self-checkout lanes saying, “Attention: This self-checkout is for Spark shoppers and Walmart Scan & Go only.”

Walmart Scan & Go is only available for Walmart+ members, which is a paid subscription.

Beege Welborn

WalMart's corporate profit last year was: [BEEGE ADDS: Thanks to Mischief in the comments for the correction "WMT revenues were about $174 billion for the last FY. Operating income was about $7 billion.]

They're just scraping by.

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